Keep Your Pets Safe For The New Year!

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In just a few short days, we’ll be calling it quits in 2020 and welcoming a new year! However, while you get your New Year festivities prepared, we wanted to give you some quick tips on how you can keep your pets safe from all the “chaos” that follows the celebration of New Year’s Eve. That’s right, we’re talking fireworks, loud noises, confetti, and other toxic environmental factors. This makes your pet more prone to running away in fear, which can be especially dangerous if you are celebrating outside. In order to avoid losing your pet or letting them run around your house in panic, we’ve compiled a short list of things you can do to keep your pooches from freaking out.

Consider keeping your TV on. If you’re celebrating somewhere where fireworks are very audible and have a noise-sensitive cat or dog, it may not lead to a happy ending. In order to avoid this, consider keeping your television on and at a loud volume (as long as you don’t have neighbors) in order to distract your furry friends. Additionally, consider wrapping your pooch in a blanket to comfort them, so they are less frightened. If they do end up running for cover, however, do not stop them; it may be the best way for them to cope with their fear. If you are looking for a faster way to get your pooch to calm down, we recommend investing in Rescue Remedy Relief Supplements to ensure stress relief. 

Keep your pets indoors. This one should be obvious, especially if you’re going to be celebrating outside. It’s best to keep them indoors so they can avoid running away in panic, or eating something toxic (such as confetti). If you own a dog and it has to go to the bathroom, remember to monitor them closely by keeping them on a leash, and ensure that the collar is fitted. Even if your pet may not like it, you’ll be grateful later; it’s better than ending up with a lost pet.

Alcohol must be out of reach for pets. Although it is unlikely that your pets will get to drinking any alcohol, it’s still a good idea to always keep an eye on any booze that may be lying around. Alcohol can be heavily toxic for pets; if you are suspicious that your pet has ingested any alcohol, then make sure to watch for these symptoms: excessive drooling, vomiting, dry heaves, or low blood pressure. If you suspect that your pet has ingested alcohol, call the Pet Poison Hotline immediately, as well as your local veterinarian, as long term exposure is lethal for your pet.

Clean up your debris before letting your pet get to it. If you celebrate with fireworks, remember to clean it up straight afterwards, because if your pet ingests any of it, they may be exposed to potentially lethal substances. The same goes for indoor celebrations; as fun as party poppers and other fun plastic toys may be, be wary if your pet is nearby and ensure they don’t ingest anything. If you have a kennel, it’s best to leave your pet within it for the time being, or at least until you can clean up your surroundings. 

Give your pets ID tags. Although many pet owners already do this, there are still some out there who may have been putting collars and ID tags off (we’re looking at you, cat lovers.) Consider investing in one, in order to avoid losing your pet in the unfortunate event that they do go missing, Make sure it has your address and phone number, so that your pet is easily identifiable. You can also microchip your pet, if you wish to not put a collar on them; speak to your local vet on other potential options. 

We hope you have a wonderful New Year celebration, and we hope that the next year turns out to be a lot better for you than the current one! Stay safe pet lovers, and keep your loved ones safe too! 

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