NEW!!! Strong Plus + Probiotic, Protein, & Joints - for Dogs & Cats
As pet owners are leaning towards better food options, the quality of those ingredients unfortunately is getting worse as the sources of our nation’s food decreases in quality. Therefore, King Kanine has created STRONG Plus + which is a Hemp Protein, Probiotic and Joint health supplement to add to your dog’s daily diet to improve commercial pet foods and the bioavailability of needed nutrients in those brands. With protein derived from hemp seed casings for muscle support. Turmeric and piperine for joint health and inflammation for dogs with arthritis or joint pain. Acidophilus and Thermophilus which may enhance gut and intestinal health and immune functions for overall wellness.
Made from the whole hemp seed casing into a meal that has had the oil removed. Powder form. Safe for cats
Flavor: Natural Beef Liver
- Best source of Omega fatty acids
- Quality protein to improve diet
- Supports brain, joints heart & kidney health
- Digestive Health - boosts the number of microorganisms present in the gastrointestinal tract
- Helps digestive system by reducing or eliminating diarrhea & constipation
- Encourages the growth of probiotic in the gut
- Antioxidant
- Boosts immune system
- Improves age related symptoms
- Supports the absorption of selenium, Vitamin B12 & Beta-carotene
- Promotes reduction of inflammatory processed in the body
- Helps in muscle recovery
Active Ingredients: Hemp seed casings, Probiotic, S. Thermophilus, I. Acidophilus, Montmorillonite, Turmeric, Piperine, Glucosamine/MSM, real Beef flavor (not synthetic)
*Not suggested for Cats with kidney or urinary tract issues