Blogs — Pet Safety

6 Essential Tips for Moving with Your Pet

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6 Essential Tips for Moving with Your Pet

Now that you've bought the house of your dreams, it's finally time to move in. But there's the matter of getting your pet from point A to point B without causing either of you any unnecessary stress. As a pet owner, you may be thinking about making your move as easy and stress-free as possible for your dog or cat.Understandably, your furry friend would be anxious and fearful in an unfamiliar setting. Most of us consider our pets to be family members, so moving them safely and comfortably while stressing them out as little as possible is a top responsibility. Here are our top...

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Valentine’s Chocolates and Dogs

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Valentine’s Chocolates and Dogs

Hey pet lovers, it’s almost that loving time of the year again! That’s right, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we wanted to give you some last-minute reminders on how you can make Valentine fun for you and your dog in a safe manner! As you may already know, chocolate is one of the most poisonous foods for dogs, but unfortunately, Valentine’s day is all about chocolates! When celebrating this year, remember to:  Keep Valentine’s Day chocolate away from your pets! You’d be surprised at how easily dogs can dig their way through a heart-shaped box without your knowledge....

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Pet Theft Awareness

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Pet Theft Awareness

What special event is on February 14th? No, it isn’t Valentine’s Day; it’s Pet Theft Awareness Day! Every year, hundreds of innocent pets are picked up from their front yards and taken away to be sold to companies for testing or breeding. We have this day dedicated to our furry friends so as to bring awareness to this public issue and prevent kidnapping from occurring. Sadly, most pets are considered “property” by the government, which is why tracking down a kidnapped pet often takes days and even weeks. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to keep...

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Keep Your Pets Safe For The New Year!

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Keep Your Pets Safe For The New Year!

In just a few short days, we’ll be calling it quits in 2020 and welcoming a new year! However, while you get your New Year festivities prepared, we wanted to give you some quick tips on how you can keep your pets safe from all the “chaos” that follows the celebration of New Year’s Eve. That’s right, we’re talking fireworks, loud noises, confetti, and other toxic environmental factors. This makes your pet more prone to running away in fear, which can be especially dangerous if you are celebrating outside. In order to avoid losing your pet or letting them run...

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